About Us

In today's global outlook, the Internet is considered as the primary source of information, especially for news. "Aiidesh News" is a service introduced to meet the above requirement and to make the people updated about the news, views, reviews, breaking news and latest headlines in different fields covering the local as well as with the international and national news content.

AIIDESH is designed as a dedicated platform that promptly updates with the latest news information as soon as it becomes available. It operates as a platform capable of producing and showcasing local news content in an open environment. This endeavor follows a Peer-to-Peer (p2p) business model, with a strong emphasis on independent reporters and local content producers.

AIIDESH offers a premium digital media publication and news aggregation platform, delivering the latest updates from diverse areas such as breaking news, politics, economics, entertainment, art & culture, sports, markets, and lifestyle. It also covers business news, tracks market trends, provides in-depth coverage of significant events, and has plans for many more features to come.

In this pursuit, AIIDESH aims to establish itself as an upcoming OTT (Over-The-Top) platform that empowers users with a range of features. These features include curated videos, live TV, live streaming, Video on Demand (VOD), podcasts, RSS feeds, slideshows, and more in the pipeline.

To enhance user experience, AIIDESH will offer a user-friendly TV App featuring a graphical interface tailored to the present-day audience's preferences. The platform will also support multiple local languages such as Assamese, English, Hindi, Bengali, and more. By collaborating with established news agencies and trusted sources, AIIDESH ensures the authenticity of the news it delivers. Get ready for a new beginning with AIIDESH.

"AIIDESH News," an online platform designed to deliver up-to-date news and information from various fields on both local and international levels. The platform aims to address the growing need for reliable news sources in today's digitally connected world. Here are the key points from your introduction:

Purpose and Scope: AIIDESH News Portal is developed to serve as a primary source of information for people seeking news, views, reviews, and breaking news from different domains. The platform covers a wide range of subjects including breaking news, politics, economics, entertainment, art & culture, sports, markets, and lifestyle.

Content Aggregation: AIIDESH functions as a digital media publication and news aggregation platform. It brings together the latest news content from various sources and areas of interest, catering to both local and international audiences.

Commercial Model: The platform employs a Peer-to-Peer (p2p) business model with a focus on independent reporters and local content producers. This approach allows for a diverse range of perspectives and contributes to local news production.

Features: AIIDESH offers a range of advanced online features including curated videos, LiveTV, Live Streaming, podcasts, RSS feeds, and slideshows. These features enhance the user experience and cater to various preferences for consuming news content.

TV App ( Up Comming ) : The platform will come with a user-friendly TV app that features a graphical interface designed to appeal to the present-day audience. The app supports multiple local languages, making news accessible to a wider audience.

Authenticity: AIIDESH collaborates with established news agencies and trusted sources to ensure the authenticity of the news it delivers. This emphasis on reliable sources helps build trust with users.

Regional Coverage: In addition to providing global news, AIIDESH also covers regional and national news, tracking market movements and significant events.

With this introduction, we are aiming to provide a comprehensive overview of the purpose, features, and value proposition inherent to AIIDESH News Portal. Our primary commitment revolves around delivering news content that is not only punctual and reliable but also presented in a format that is user-friendly and adaptable to various preferences and languages.

